Having your own business or even a side business has never been easier! Taking what you have a passion for and turning it into a profitable venture with the use of the internet means that you can attract clients from around the globe with just a few simple steps.  It isn’t as easy as setting up a Facebook page and calling it good though.  Buyers are savvier than they ever have been before.  And online buyers are more cautious than ever before.  So how can you stand out as a reputable business online, without spending a fortune?  Here are there easy steps that can take you from looking like a here today gone tomorrow scam to the upstanding start-up company that you are.  

Have a website, even if it is just a landing page.  Setting up a full website can be one of the most expensive parts of starting your own business.  It is however one of the most important.  Especially depending on your industry.  Imagine being a real estate agent with no way to showcase homes currently for sale.  Or trying to sell items just within Facebook Marketplace.   There are very easy and inexpensive ways to set up a website online.  My personal favorite is Bluehost.  For less than $100 you can create and host a website for 3 years!!  To find out more about how to utilize this offer click here or watch my secret sauce video on how to get the best price!!  

See if the domain name you want is available here:

Create a custom email.  Since most of the interactions you will have with clients will be online, make sure that you have a professional looking email.  Nothing screams “Hey I don’t know what I am doing” like sending emails from Gmail, Yahoo, or AOL on behalf of your business.  Gmail does have an affordable option to customize your email domain but I use Bluehost.  For no additional charge, you can add up to 5 email addresses when you host your domain with them.  I know that GoDaddy allows you to set up email addresses as well but they charge you for them monthly.  To learn more or to set up your hosting with Bluehost click here or if you already have a Bluehost account check out how to set up your emails (and how to forward them to your current inbox) by watching this video!!

Be active on social media.   You can put out great content that shows you are an expert in your field completely for free using social media.  Make sure that you think through and create a strategy though so you don’t end up sending the wrong message.   Planning out your content in advance allows you to curate your messages to go out in correlation of what you are focusing on or planning to promote.

All three methods above will make a huge difference in how your business appears to others online.  For less than $100 you can utilize all 3!!  Be sure to check out the videos for step by step instructions on how to put your new Bluehost account into action.