Many businesses are investing tons of funds into their communication platforms with clients and potential clients. You want to make sure that you are using the best methods to connect with a prospect during the sales journey, but often businesses and salespeople aren’t talking with people where they want to talk. I am sure that you have heard of large companies using Twitter and other social networks for customer care, but what about using them to generate sales?
My platform of choice is obviously Facebook, and I find more and more often that companies are jumping on board with Facebook ads but then are completely missing the boat in following up with the leads generated. I find that people are trying to generate a lead that they can then follow up with an email or phone call. I am a firm believer that if you communicate with a prospect in the way you came to meet them, you will be much more successful in getting in contact with them, and actually moving them down your sales funnel. Doesn’t it make sense that if you are generating a lead on Facebook you should be talking with that lead via Facebook?
So why should you take Facebook Messanger seriously in your sales process? 3 obvious reasons come to mind.
1. Notifications for messenger pop up like a text message on your prospect’s phone. We all know that we have our phones on us 24/7 and getting your message opened by your prospect is much more likely than an email. Imagine if you could tap into what interests your ideal client has and then customize a text to them complete with the capabilities of video and gifs. You also know if your messages have been viewed in messenger so you can decide if you want to continue pushing forward or if it is time to back off.
2. When you connect with someone via facebook a truly strange thing happens. Since you are on facebook you are “facebook friends” and people are much more open in what they will tell you. Take this from personal experience. If I had cold-called a potential client on the phone they most likely would not answer at all or shout at me and hang up if they did. On messenger people will literally tell you their entire life story within just minutes of starting a conversation. It’s crazy how much more comfortable people are with you when they can see your picture right there with the messages.
3. The other obvious reason you have to get serious about using messenger in your business is ChatBots. Imagine having an assistant that works 24/7, that you never have to pay, and you never have to deal with the latest life drama. Sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t. You can program a chatbot to respond at all hours of the night to messages to your business page. Imagine if you have your other lead generation efforts pointed to your Facebook business page and all questions are answered immediately by a chatbot. In this day and age, people want answers to their questions fast. Using messenger as your primary communication allows you to automate some of the common questions you receive and deliver answers and resources within seconds!
While I have listed only 3 reasons here why you should be taking messenger seriously for your business the list goes on and on! From new ways to integrate messenger into your website and other areas, to continually added features from the Facebook team. To learn more about how to capitalize on messenger for your business take a look at my online Facebook course.